School Funding Form
The California Department of Education (CDE) has introduced a new funding system for public education, known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). As part of this system, our district will be developing a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) to allocate funds based on the needs of our students and families.
As part of this plan, we are seeking additional funding for specific student groups. These include English learners, foster youth, and socio-economically disadvantaged students. To ensure that these students receive the support they need, we must identify which students meet one or more of these criteria.
We need your help to complete an online form that will help us determine how to allocate these funds. This form collects information about your household income and could qualify your child and your school for additional funding based on need. You can either fill our the household income verification form as part of our annual parent data confirmation in Aeries or you can complete the form linked below.
Your input is crucial in helping our school receive the appropriate funding for your child. If you require assistance with completing the form, please don't hesitate to contact your child's school.
Please note that all information submitted on the form is a confidential education record and is protected by federal and state privacy laws related to educational records.
Process FAQ
What does a completed Aeries Parent Data Confirmation or paper school funding form mean to SRCS?
It means our schools qualify for much needed Grant Funding, which is directly related to the percentage of applications returned from qualifying students. You can help fund your child’s favorite programs by completing the Aeries Parent Data Confirmation Survey or a paper school funding form.
The Aeries Parent Data Confirmation survey or paper school funding form helps to fund your child’s favorite programs. Santa Rosa City Schools needs every parent to complete the Aeries Parent Data Confirmation or a paper school funding form before October 31, 2024. Help fund your child’s favorite program and complete the Aeries Parent Data Confirmation or a paper alternative school funding form.
Why do I have to complete the same form every year?
Currently, Federal Law requires the district to re-certify all students for the School Meals Program each year. Even if you qualified last year for a free lunch, the district and your child’s school will not receive grant funding for your child if you do not fill out a new application this year.
Do non-citizens/non-residents qualify for school meal programs?
Yes! Since the School Meals Program is an entitlement program, all children in the United States, regardless of their citizenship status, may receive a meal at no cost or at an affordable price. Information on the Aeries Parent Data Confirmation or paper alternative school funding form is confidential and is not shared with ICE or any outside agency.
What if I don’t want others to know my child receives free meals?
We are requesting applications from ALL students, qualifying or not, so returning the application won’t identify your child as receiving a free lunch. The District does NOT single out or publicly identify children who qualify for School Meal Programs.
Should everyone fill out an Aeries Parent Data Confirmation or paper school funding form?
Yes!* In addition to the nutritional benefits of the Meal Program, the School District relies on the total percentage of free, reduced and paid applications collected to qualify for additional grant funding to be re-invested into our schools. Our schools need the funding!
Do I have to fill out an application if we already qualify for food stamps or other public assistance?
NO!* Every year SRCS receives a file from the Department of Human Services identifying those families qualified for food stamps or another public assistance program. All children identified in that file are categorically “Free.”
Support SRCS Schools! Please complete and return a Meal Application Form every year! Our students need the support!
Complete the Aeries Parent Data Confirmation or paper alternative school funding form by October 31, 2024 to help fund your child’s school. You can apply for benefits anytime.