Welcome to SRCS Libraries!
Your library staff is here to support you with databases, digital resources, eBooks, print books and more.
SRCS Libraries create and maintain a welcoming environment where students have equitable access to diverse, quality resources and are encouraged to be lifelong readers and responsible global citizens.
SRCS Libraries strive to make reading and learning fun and accessible. We provide a safe, welcoming environment for all students and staff. We support equitable access to learning by maintaining up-to-date collections that meet curricular and student needs. We recognize and value each student’s unique talents and work. We nurture each student’s pursuit of literacy and critical thinking skills, both in print and digital formats. We encourage students to engage in our community and collaborate to solve real-world problems.
Homework Help
Your Library has access to all the resources you need to get good grades and further your education.
Sonoma County Library is pleased to provide StudentOne card holders with free online access to 24 hour essay and resume review drop off,’s 3,600+ expert tutors for one-to-one, real-time tutoring in over 40 subjects and test preparation areas. From the time a student logs into the service with their Sonoma County Library card number and pin to the end of their session, the interface has been built for ease of use, a personalized experience and complete safety for the student. More here. |
Free live 24/7 online tutoring and so much more for all K-12 learners including tutoring in math, reading, and writing.
California K-12 Digital Resources Online content from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Book Connections are available, and ProQuest research databases— at school, at home, in libraries, on laptops, on phones — to all. These three databases are provided for all California students from the California State Library.More here. |
Sora from Overdrive. Your StudentOne card will give you access to ebook and audiobooks from Sonoma County Library. SORA is the student reading app for OverDrive. SORA provides access to ebook and audiobooks from Sonoma Public Library. |
Project Gutenberg, in full Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, a nonprofit organization that maintains an electronic library of public domain works that have been digitized, or converted into e-books, by volunteers and archived for download from the organization’s website, |
Online Resources
California K-12 Digital Resources
Online content from Encyclopaedia Britannica, ProQuest research databases, and TeachingBooks are available — at school, at home, in libraries, on laptops, on phones — to all.
These three databases are provided for all California students from the California State Library.
Encyclopaedia Britannica (PreK-12)
A comprehensive interactive resource for research and learning for grades K-12. Includes correlations to California Content Standards and other valuable teacher resources. Post links directly to each school level, elementary, middle or high.
Need help from Britannica? See our support page. (800) 621-3900 x 7160 |
To log in to Encyclopedia Britannica/ Escolar at home, use:
PASSWORD: learners
TeachingBooks (PreK-12)
One stop provides resources for books you are reading and teaching, including author and illustrator interviews, lesson plans, and other enrichment content.
Need help from TeachingBooks? See our support page. 510-239-7391 |
Gale (Grades K-12)
Gale STEAM resources provide essential, curriculum-aligned digital content for California K-12 learners. Include links to resources for elementary, middle and high school content.
Please note: If you wish to have location specific URLs for your school please visit:
- Gale In Context: Environmental Studies - Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
- Gale Interactive: Science - Manipulate 3D interactive models to visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth, and space science
- Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids - Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space.
Please note: If you wish to have location specific URLs for your school please visit:
Need help from Gale See our support page. 800-877.4253 option 3 |
ProQuest (Grades 3-12)
* The icons above and main links below work for accessing these resources on your school campus. Students and staff with the district/school's off-campus access name and access codes should use the "Off-Campus Access" links below when using from public libraries or other non-school locations.
- CultureGrams - Concise social, cultural, and political information on countries, U.S. states, and provinces around the world. (Grades 3-12)
CultureGrams Off-Campus Access - SIRS Discoverer - A general reference database providing safe, reliable, curriculum-aligned content and features for use by students and educators. (Grades 3-9)
SIRS Discoverer Off-Campus Access - SIRS Issues Researcher - Pros and cons on 360+ (and growing) complex social issues with relevant, credible information that tells the whole story on the major questions of the day. (Grades 6+)
SIRS Issues Researcher Off-Campus Access - eLibrary - Guided Research edition delivers one of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content including more than 11,000 Research Topics (Grades 6+)
eLibrary Guided Research Off-Campus Access - eLibrary - Database Edition General reference aggregation of periodical and digital media content with editorial guidance for novice researchers. (Grades 6+)
eLibrary Database Edition Off-Campus Access - ProQuest Central Student - designed to bring instant results to users across thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers, videos, reports, and more. This resource brings together some of ProQuest's most used databases in education, humanities, psychology, science, social sciences, and news. (Grades 9+, IB, AP, College Prep)
Central Student Off-Campus Access - ProQuest Research Companion - a self-guided product that supports information literacy, writing, and research skills instruction.(Grades 8+)
Research Companion Off-Campus Access - Schools & Educators Complete - eBook subscription database of over 13,000 titles that supports English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy and Technology. (Grades 9+, possibly some content for Middle School, also includes professional development content for faculty)
Need help from ProQuest? See our support page. 800-521-0600 |
To log in to ProQuest at home, use:
PASSWORD: 5antaRos@
Writing & Citation Resources
Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) has excellent (and free!) resources for writing, research, grammar, and mechanics. They also have very thorough MLA and APA style guides. Use the links below to access their many resources. |
The Writing Center University Of North Carolina So many resources! Excellent for both high school and college writing. |
Primary Sources
Primary Sources are works that contain firsthand information or original data on a topic, such as: letters, diaries and memoirs, oral histories, interviews, speeches, photographs & maps, newspaper clippings, recorded sound, films, sheet music, artifacts, government documents and public records.
Secondary Sources are works that are one step removed from the primary source that summarize or evaluate the primary source, such as: reviews and critiques, second-person accounts, biography or histories.
The availability and kinds of primary sources vary with time period and topic. There are more sources available for the 19th, 20th and 21st century than for earlier periods due to an increase in literacy and the growth of mass media, including newspapers, radio, television, Twitter, etc. There are fewer sources available for earlier periods because less was created (no newspapers, magazines, etc.), less survived in addition to most people not being able to read or write letters and diaries.
It is also important to keep in mind that primary sources were more often saved from wealthier individuals that were literate in English, which impacts our ability to know about the perspective of all Americans.
One of America's largest repositories of primary resources. Sort by time period, topic or keyword search. |
Thousands of primary resources easily searchable by keyword, historical period or document type (audio, video, maps, charts, graphs, photos, more). It is also important to keep in mind that primary sources were more often saved from wealthier individuals that were literate in English, which impacts our ability to know about the perspective of all Americans. |
Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture NEW online searchable museum, with multimedia, interactive exhibit Slavery and Freedom. The exhibit explores the story of slavery and freedom beginning in the 14th century and concluding with the Civil War and Reconstruction. Through first-person accounts and artifacts, the exhibition examines the economic and political legacies of the making of modern slavery and the concept of freedom, both of which were foundational in the development of the United States. It considers the resistance, resilience and survival of enslaved African Americans as they fought to hold on to their humanity through inhumane conditions and free and enslaved African Americans’ contributions to the making of America. |
Promotes and supports the teaching of people’s history in classrooms across the country. Includes perspectives of different identity groups. |
American History from the Gilder Lehrman Institute One of the largest collections of American History primary sources with more than 70,000 items covering five hundred years of American history, from Columbus’s 1493 letter describing the New World to soldiers’ letters from World War II and Vietnam. Search by time period, topic or resource type. |
Student OneCard
Santa Rosa City Schools Partnership with the Sonoma County Library
You can find great resources through our partner, the Sonoma County Library:
Student OneCard
Santa Rosa City Schools students will be able to use their student ID number in the Sonoma County Library system through the Student OneCard program. Students have access to all online materials available through SCL - all without a library card! Some perks include:
- Free online real-time tutoring via
- At libraries, free one-on-one homework help, in English or Spanish, in all major subjects
- Also, at libraries, free access to computers, WIFI, and study spaces
To check out physical items from the library, apply for your personal library card.
The Educator Card
Educator Cards are a special privilege granted to teachers and educators who work for institutions and facilities that educate or care for children in Sonoma County. Educator Cards are intended to benefit the students.
Educators may borrow up to 50 items at a time for classroom use for six weeks. Certain formats are excluded and some loan periods are not extended. Materials checked out on an Educator Card do not accrue fines. Requests, renewals, and all other policies and restrictions apply. As a reminder, items for personal use should be checked out on personal library cards.
When items are checked out on an Educator Card, you get:
- Extended checkouts (6 weeks!)
- Up to 50 items
- No fines!