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Reports & Committees

Advisory Committees to the Board of Education

Advisory Committees to the Board of Education are groups of individuals formed to provide input and recommendations on specific educational issues to the school board. These committees can be composed of parents, teachers, administrators, community members, or a combination thereof.

Their role is to offer expertise, diverse perspectives, and local knowledge to inform the board's decision-making process. However, it's crucial to note that while advisory committees play a vital role, they do not have the authority to make final decisions. Their recommendations are presented to the board for consideration.

These committees have a defined scope and meeting schedule, and are subject to the Brown Act, requiring open meetings and public notice.

Citizens' Oversight Committee

School Consolidation Advisory Committee

Advisory Committees to the Superintendent

Advisory Committees to the Superintendent are groups of individuals appointed by the superintendent to provide input and recommendations on specific educational matters.

Unlike Advisory Committees to the Board of Education, these committees are not subject to the Brown Act. This is because they are not considered legislative bodies and do not have the authority to make policy decisions. Their role is purely advisory, and their recommendations are presented to the superintendent for consideration. As such, their meetings can be held in private without public notice or attendance requirements.

Safety Advisory Round Table

Fiscal Stablization Advisory Committee

For More Information 

Melanie Martin
Executive Assistant to the Board of Education & Superintendent


707-890-3800 x80101