Strategic Plan
In order to accomplish the vision and mission of our district, we need a strategic plan that guides the district and the decisions of the staff and the Board of Education. The previous plan, adopted in 2014, served the district for five years. However, the changing landscape of state and federal regulations, school funding, and the needs of students and families, necessitated an update. This Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan was approved by the Board on November 13, 2019.
Board of Education Strategic Plan 2019-24
Vision: SRCS will send students into the world empowered to find purpose, think critically, embrace diversity, work together, and adapt to our changing planet, and live healthy and fulfilling lives.
Visión: SRCS impulsará al mundo estudiantes que estén preparados y capacidados para trabajar juntos, identificar sus propósitos, pensar críticamente, abrazar la diversidad, adaptarse a nuestro planeta que siempre cambia, y vivir vidas saludables y plenas.
Mission: SRCS ensures equitable access to a transformative educational experience grounded in the assets of our students, staff, and community. We nurture the whole student in an engaging, challenging, and safe environment. We recognize and value each student's individuality and our community's cultural wealth.
Misión: SRCS garantiza el acceso equitativo a una educación transformativa, basada en el valor de cada estudiante, de nuestro personal docente, y de la comunidad en general. Promovemos el desarrollo pleno del estudiante dentro de un ambiente interesante, estimulante y seguro. Reconocemos y valoramos la individualidad de cada estudiante y la riqueza cultural de nuestra comunidad.
Board Strategic Priorities
State Priorities
Board Values and Commitments
Priority 1 - Life Ready Learners
1,2,3,4,5,7,8 |
SRCS supports students to embrace their identities and claim their own agency in order to navigate diverse, complex and constantly changing environments by developing the following capacities: literacy, inquiry, investigation, collaboration, creativity, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, empathy, civic participation, and cultural consciousness. |
Priority 2 - Whole Person Focus
2,7,4,5,6,8 |
SRCS recognizes our responsibility to develop and care for the whole person so that each is mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy. We commit to policies, practices, and relationships that help ensure each person is safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. |
Priority 3 - High Quality Staff
1,2,7 |
SRCS values and supports growth-minded professionals. We commit to provide collaborative, high-quality professional development to staff members so they can successfully educate and support students. SRCS commits to fairly compensating staff. |
Priority 4 - Teaching and Learning Environment and Resources
1,2,5,6 |
SRCS will provide safe and clean schools. We will provide flexible learning environments that are conducive to teaching and learning. SRCS is committed to supporting teachers with current tools and training to support pedagogical leadership and innovation. SRCS believes in building a staff that reflects the students we serve. |
Priority 5 - Equity and Excellence
2,3,4,5,6,7 |
SRCS grounds our work in a deep understanding of students’ identities and the historical and cultural contexts in which we all operate. SRCS will remove barriers and create structures that provide opportunities to further personal and academic student success. SRCS believes that student-centered, differentiated practices lead to equitable teaching and learning. |
Priority 6 - Family Engagement and Community Partnerships
3,5,6 |
SRCS understands the value of engaging our students’ families and our larger community. SRCS commits to providing its resources and educational opportunities to families equitably, and developing lasting partnerships with our community to deepen and expand student success. |
Priority 7 - Sustainable Funding
1-8 |
SRCS believes that the chronic underfunding of public education in California is unacceptable and undermines the health of our community. The current funding levels limit student outcomes and staff compensation. The SRCS Board commits to working with our community to create additional funding opportunities and to being consistent and fierce advocates for full and fair funding from the State of California. |
Timeline for development of the Strategic Plan:
02/26/14 - Approval of Strategic Plan in 2014
04/17/19 - First Study Session for new Strategic Plan
05/15/19 - Second Study Session for new Strategic Plan
06/19/19 - Final Study Session for new Strategic Plan
07/24/19 - First Presentation of the SRCS Strategic Plan 2019-24 (Version 1) to the Board of Education
08/14/19 - Second Presentation of the SRCS Strategic Plan 2019-24 (Version 1) to the Board of Education
08/28/19 - SRCS Strategic Plan 2019-24 (Version 1) presented at Board of Education meeting for public input
09/03/19 - Strategic Plan Community Meeting (in English and Spanish) at Elsie Allen High
09/04/19 - Strategic Plan Community Meeting (in English and Spanish) at Montgomery High
09/01-30/19 - Strategic Plan online survey (in English and Spanish)
11/13/19 - Strategic Plan 2019-2024 Approved by the Board of Education