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Board of Education

The Santa Rosa City Schools Board of Education has seven elected members, also known as Directors or Trustees. They set a direction for the district, provide a structure by establishing policies, ensure accountability and provide community leadership on behalf of the district and public education.

School Board Meetings

The Board of Education generally meets in open session at 6:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month (except July, November and December, when there is only one meeting). Click here to view the 2025 Board Meeting Calendar.

Agendas & Minutes

The meeting agenda is published the Friday before each regularly scheduled board meeting. Members of the public may request that items be included on the agenda. Such requests should be in writing and addressed to the Office of the Superintendent. Minutes are kept of all board meetings, recording actions taken by the Board.

To view recordings of Board of Education meetings, visit our YouTube channel.