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Why is attendance important?

Student attendance is required for success, not only for learning, but also for funding and resources. Most importantly, students who are in school every day are shown to achieve better grades. Modern learning requires collaboration among students. That means being in school every day.  In addition, improved attendance results in increased funding. Under the LCAP, our district’s state funding is tied to ADA or average daily attendance. The higher our ADA, the more revenue we receive from the state. The more revenue we receive, the more programs and services we can offer to our students.

How can I see my child's attendance information?

Log in to the parent portal of our student information system, Aeries . If you have not set up your parent portal account, you will need to contact your child’s school to ask for your access code.

How do I excuse an absence (explain why my child was absent from school)?

Parents have 10 days to call in to their child's school to excuse an absence. Contact your child’s school to excuse an absence. 

What is SRCS doing to help students and families?

  • Family Engagement Facilitators - These staff members are available at our school sites to help with attendance issues.
  • Attendance status letters -  Letters to all parents at the start of the school year, to let them know if there are attendance concerns from last year, and to inform them of ways to help recover absences using the Elevate Academy.
  • Truancy letters - These will be mailed after more than 3 days of unexcused absences (missed class periods are calculated in secondary schools), including days that a student is more than 30 minutes late (tardy) to school or to a class period. The truancy letter starts a process, which eventually includes parent meetings and referrals to the Sonoma County DA’s office.

Log in to the Aeries Parent Portal to view your child's attendance record.

Parents have 10 days to call in to their child's school to excuse an absence. 

If you have attendance concerns, contact your child's school first. If you need additional assistance, contact:
Student and Family Engagement Office 707-890-3808