Wellness & Engagement
Wellness & Engagement focuses on the many aspects of education beyond teaching and learning, including the health, safety and well-being of our students. Wellness & Engagement focuses support to students, families and schools to amplify student success.
The office of Wellness & Engagement is a specialized student support service that covers compliance with compulsory education laws, student admission and enrollment procedures, student discipline procedures, transfers to alternative programs, and school climate and safety. Our W&E staff combines the knowledge and skill of counseling with the knowledge of education and the law to resolve complicated situations involving school choice, student behavior, campus safety, and programs for high-risk youth.
Executive Director, Wellness & Engagement | Stacy Desideri
Director of Mental Health and Community Schools | Eric Lofchie
Coordinator of Wellness and Engagement | Gustavo Mendoza
Bilingual Secretary | Yolanda Silva
Family Engagement Facilitator, Attendance | Katrin Fullerton
Family Engagement Facilitator, McKinney Vento and Foster Youth | Chatty Arnold