Deaf & Hard of Hearing (DHH) Programs
Early Start Program
The DHH Early Start Program offers free services for families residing throughout Sonoma County with a child from birth to 3 years of age, who has been identified with hearing loss. This program is administered by Santa Rosa City Schools (SRCS) in conjunction with Sonoma County Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA) and funded through the California State Office of Education. We understand the challenges and confusion that many families face when they are told that their baby or young child is deaf or hard of hearing. The Sonoma County DHH Early Start Program recognizes that parents are their child's primary teacher. We help parents to understand their child's hearing loss and various educational and communication options available.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 707-890-3825 x5
Office Fax: 707-890-3793
Located at Lewis Early Learning Academy
2230 Lomitas Ave.,
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Elementary School
The Santa Rosa City Schools Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) program is a Special Day Class (SDC) program for elementary school students (Kindergarten through 6th grade) from across Sonoma County with significant hearing loss or deafness.
Students are placed in the program via the IEP process per agreement with the student’s District of residence and Santa Rosa City Schools (SRCS). The program is located at Hidden Valley Elementary School, 3435 Bonita Vista Lane, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404.
Services are provided to students based upon their individual needs and determined by the IEP process. These services are provided as part of the regular school day within the classroom setting and with “pull-out” services as necessary. The classes are taught by credentialed Special Education Teachers. Additional services are provided by credentialed specialists, such as Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Adapted Physical Education Teachers. For additional information, please discuss with your child’s IEP team at the school district in which your child attends school. You may also call the Santa Rosa City Schools (SRCS) Special Services office at (707) 890-3800 x80810 for more information.
For family support, please contact:
The Sonoma County Parent Support Group for Families with Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Contact: Eugenia Chaparro-Sanchez 707-890-3825 x80822
Organizations for families who have children with hearing loss:
AG Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing