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Technology Services

The Technology Services Department strives to empower our teachers to engage our students through student-centered teaching and learning opportunities using meaningful instructional technologies in dynamic, safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive learning environments.


Our vision is to cultivate Life-Ready Learners by focusing on the whole person, supported by high-quality staff, enriched teaching and learning opportunities, strong family engagement, and community partnerships in an equitable and financially sustainable environment designed for excellence.


Our mission is to foster an environment that enhances student learning and teaching to prepare students as Life-Ready Learners. We ensure equitable, reliable, and coherent access to instructional material, software, services, and technology. We deliver timely and accurate support for student-focused decision-making districtwide with an approach that balances safety, security, usability, and business continuity.


  • Excellent Customer Service

  • Always prioritize student achievement and school operations in an IT environment design

  • Provide effective, reliable, equitable, and easily-to-use IT environments and ecosystems that support 21st-century teaching and learning with:

    • Equitable access to network, software, and devices for students, faculty, and staff

    • Coherent systems that work together and are easy to use

    • Access to content and services in a reliable and timely way

  • Create Integrated and comprehensive IT solutions that provide efficient and effective services for business units district-wide

  • Ensure the technology environment is well-managed, secure, reliable, and scalable